Blast valves are protective elements for air intakes and outlets. Temet blast valves are providing protection from 2bar up to 100bar, based on the model. Blast valves for hardened shelters will be installed into the wall prior to concrete casting to integrate the frame with wall reinforcement.
Blast valves are designed to prevent the penetration of blast waves caused by an explosion through the air channels into the shelter. They are installed in every open-air channel and duct penetrating the pressure protection line of the shelter.
PSV Series Blast Valves
The PSV series blast valves are used as air intake and exhaust valves in civil defence and military shelters. The valves are specially designed for applications requiring high-blast resistance and large ventilation capacity with minimum wall space. PSV Blast Valve gives protection up to 100 bars.
PV-KK Series Blast Valves
The PV-KK blast valve is used as an air intake and outlet valve in civil defence and military shelters and blast protected industrial facilities. The PV-KK blast valve is designed and tested to withstand multiple long-duration blast loads having peak reflected overpressure of 1100 kPa (11 bar) while retaining its full functional ability.
Exhaust Blast Valves and Vent Pipe Valves
The exhaust blast valve is intended for the protection of the diesel generator and its sensitive components against blast waves entering through the exhaust gas pipe. The exhaust blast valve should be designed and installed in accordance with the same requirements that apply to the blast valves.
PVD Series Blast Valves
The PVD series blast valves are used as exhaust air valves in civil defence and military shelters. The valves are specially designed to be used in the exhaust systems of diesel engines and are suitable for other applications with hot and corrosive gases. The PVD-VP series ventilation blast valves are applied for the protection of vent pipes of sanitary systems and fuel and water tanks.
The PVD series blast valves are designed and tested to withstand multiple long duration (peak duration is more than 60ms) blast loads having peak reflected overpressure of 20 bar and short duration (positive phase duration less than 5.0ms) blast load having peak reflected overpressure of 60bar while retaining their full functional ability.
Overpressure Blast Valves
Overpressure blast valve is used as air outlet valve in civil defence and military shelters and blast protected industrial facilities. The valve regulates the internal overpressure of the shelter and closes rapidly when subjected to a blast from the outside.
The YV-1 overpressure blast valve comprises a pivoted closing element (pressure disk) closing the air passage against the valve seats in response to the positive phase of the blast or lack of overpressure inside the shelter. The valve is mounted on a structural steel wall sleeve to be cast in the concrete wall.
The YV-KK overpressure blast valve block comprises three closing elements supported by a lever mechanism. Under normal ventilation conditions the lever allows the valve to open when the internal overpressure exceeds 50 Pa.
In case of positive or negative blast load from the outside, the closing elements are instantly pushed against the valve seats thus closing the valve. The valve blocks are mounted in structural steel wall frames that can house one to ten blocks.